
FireReady Australia is excited to announce that we have partnered with Locatrix to allow clients to adopt PlanSafe as part of their fire safety management programme. Fire safety in the workplace is a necessity these days.
As a responsible employer, adhering to fire risk management is crucial to ensure the safety of your workplace.

What is PlanSafe?

PlanSafe is an online safety induction and emergency management program, tailored specifically to meet your site requirements.

This cost and time-effective solution provides all of the training materials and client management systems you need to assist in meeting fire safety compliance standards.

What You’ll Receive

Stay compliant with complex standards & regulations, all in one place
Tailored to meet your workplace training needs and site risk profile
Staff, contractor and visitor site inductions
Real-time access to your site’s details and plans, which are also readily available to responding Fire Services
Site-specific online training programs – ECO & General Evacuation & First Response
Automated compliance management system
Secure training completion records
Interactive floor plans

PlanSafe is compliant with the following safety regulation

AS 3745:2010 Planning for Emergencies

AS 4083:2010 Planning for Emergencies in Healthcare

Building Fire Safety Regulations 2008

Work Health & Safety Regulations – emergency plans and site inductions